Shareholder Notifications: Suspension of Dealing of Mori Eastern European Fund and Mori Ottoman Fund


Director, Portfolio Manager

Aziz Unan

With more than 20 years of investment experience, Aziz has been managing Mori Ottoman Fund (formerly known as Griffin Ottoman Fund) since its launch in January 2006, the best performing regional fund in Emerging Europe (1st place over 10-years by Euro and Euro am Sonntag). Aziz has been awarded multiple industry awards and ratings (Morningstar, Sauren, Euro, Euro am Sonntag, Feri Ratings and Citywire). He started his finance career as an equity analyst at Erste Bank in 1996. He was the Head of Research at Wood & Company between 2002 and 2004 covering Emerging European equities. He is also the founder of Unan Portfoy Yonetimi A.S., which is a portfolio management company registered and regulated by the Capital Markets Board of Turkey. Aziz holds a BA in Business Administration from the Anglo-American University.
Director, Portfolio Manager

Özlem Tümer Eke

Ozlem is a senior investment banking executive with more than 20 years of experience in various fields of Turkish capital markets. She started her career in Turkey’s top-ranked and largest investment bank, IS Investment Securities Inc. , where she ran institutional sales and trading teams. Ozlem took senior roles in a number of large scale IPOs and SPOs on Borsa Istanbul. Between 1999 and 2001 she was responsible for managing Isbank’s Luxembourg based SICAV funds which had assets under management of USD 450 million. In 2009, she joined Noego Partners Ltd. to lead investor relations, M&A and wealth management advisory services. She joined Aziz in 2013 to establish Unan Portfoy Yönetimi A.S.  Ozlem holds a BA in Business Administration from Bilkent University.

Director, Chief Operations Officer

Desmond Riordan

Desmond has 22 years of experience in the finance industry. He was a consultant to  Griffin Capital Management and Lynch Oil Shale Investments. Desmond worked for BNY Mellon AIS (formerly PNC AIS) for over 8 years. He was a Vice President in their Valuations Department focusing on UCITS funds and Master / Feeder structured hedge funds with exposure to an extensive range of financial instruments. While at BNY Mellon, Desmond established and ran their satellite office in Wroclaw (Poland) for 3 years and was responsible for the direction, oversight and control of the Hedge Fund Administration and Accounting functions and their  integration across all locations. Desmond also worked for AQR Capital and Bear Stearns in New York City and began his career at Merrill Lynch Dublin. Desmond holds a B.Comm (Banking & Finance Stream) degree from University College Dublin and earned a Certificate in Futures, Options and Financial Derivatives from Harvard University. He has also attended a number of industry courses including a UCITS course in London and an IMI Management course in Dublin.
Compliance / MLRO

Isidro Garcia De La Torre

Isidro has 17 years experience in the finance industry. He spent 10 years working at Bloomberg's London Office, firstly as part of the fixed income department and, from 2006 to 2010, as a member of the Portfolio Trading Systems department. During this time he was responsible for implementing and developing Bloomberg's total portfolio management solution, AIM, in buyside firms across Europe, from small credit start-ups to large banks operating from multiple countries. He then joined Renaissance Asset Managers, where he was responsible for Performance and Risk Management for over 6 years. Isidro holds a BA in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Vigo (Spain) and earned a Masters Degree in European Language and Intercultural Studies from Anglia Ruskin University (Cambridge - UK). He has also earned qualifications in Compliance in Financial Services and AMLRO and, during his time at Bloomberg, successfully completed professional courses in Compliance in the UCITS environment, Financial Derivatives, Equity Derivatives and Valuation.

Business Development & Distribution

Dr. Peter Zurhorst

Peter Zurhorst joined Mori Capital Management in April 2016 and isresponsible for business development and distribution. Peter is based inMunich. Before joining Mori Capital Management Peter led Renasset Management’sbusiness in German speaking Europe since 2011. Prior to Renasset Management, hewas in charge of Janus Capital Group’s institutional business in the sameregion. He was also responsible for opening Janus Capital’s office in Munich in2009. Previously Peter worked for Scottish Widows Investment Partnership astheir Head of Northern Europe, where he was responsible for both theinstitutional and wholesale business. He also worked for 12 years in London inthe corporate finance sector for investment banks such as Dresdner KleinwortWasserstein, UBS und Credit Suisse. Peter studied business administration atthe University of St. Gallen (lic. oec. HSG) and he was a scientific assistant atthe Swiss Institute of Banking and Finance at the University of St. Gallen. He alsoholds a doctorate degree from the same university (Dr. oec. HSG).

Risk Manager

Jean-Paul Gauci

Jean Paul holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Malta. He also holds a Masters in Investment and Finance from the University of Strathclyde and a Masters in Risk, Crisis and Resilience Management from the University of Portsmouth.

He started his finance career in 2012 as a finance associate and fund administrator at leading Maltese fund administrator entities. In 2015, Jean Paul joined RiskCap International Limited as a Risk Associate, before being promoted to Head of Risk Services in 2023, where he leads a team of professionals specialising in Risk Management and Regulatory Reporting services. Jean Paul also holds a position as part-time lecturer at the University of Malta, within the Banking and Finance Department at FEMA.

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